List of All Important Committees and Commissions


Name of Committee/ Commission



Malimath Committee

For Criminal Justice Reform


Vohra Committee Report

Electoral Reforsm


Rangarajan Committee

On disinvestment of shares in Public Sector Enterprises

Apr, 1993

C. Rangarajan Committee

formed to Review the Poverty Measurement Methodology


Justice Indu Malhotra Committee (Appointed by Supreme Court)

To look into the alleged security breach of Prime Minister's Punjab visit on 5th January, 2022.

13th Jan, 2022

Appleby Committee

formed to examine the functioning of Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) in India.


A.D. Gorwala Committee

set up to study the reorganization of states in India.



Santhanam Committee

investigating allegations of corruption and maladministration in government departments.


Rajamannar Committee

formed to examine the issue of state autonomy within the Indian federal system.


Justice M N Venkatachalaiah

Chairman of the National Commission to Review Working of the Constitution.


Sarkaria Commission

primarily dealt with the Centre-State relations in India and provided recommendations to improve the relationship between the Union and the States.


It focused on various aspects such as the distribution of legislative and administrative powers between the Union and the States, the role of the Governor, inter-State disputes, and other related matters.

The commission was established in 1983 and submitted its report in 1988

Punchhi Commission

The Punchhi Commission, officially known as the Commission on Centre-State Relations, examined various aspects of Centre-State relations, including the role and powers of the Governor, and made recommendations regarding their appointment, powers, and functions.


Verghese Commission

The Verghese Committee, officially known as the Committee on Civil Services Reforms, was set up in 2003 to examine and provide recommendations for reforming the civil services in India.

Submitted its report in 2004.

Chandrachud Commission

Officially known as the Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution established to review the functioning of the Indian Constitution. It examined various aspects such as the working of parliamentary democracy, federalism, judiciary, and the balance of power between different organs of the state.

Established in 2000 and submitted its report in 2002.

Shah Commission

(Justice J.C. Shah, a former chief Justice of India)

It was a commission of inquiry appointed by Government of India/Janta Party to inquire into all the excesses committed in the Indian Emergency (1975 - 77).


Dileep Singh Bhuria Committee

Recommendation for enactment of Panchayat (Extension to Scheduled Areas)Act, 1996


Justice Verma Committee

The provision of Zero FIR came up after the recommendation in the report of the Justice Verma Committee, which was constituted to suggest amendments to the Criminal Law in a bid to provide for faster trial and enhanced punishment for criminals accused of committing sexual assault against women.


Dr. K. Radhakrishnan Committee

Reforms in Accreditation System of Higher Education as per NEP, 2020.


Prof. K. Kasturirangan

National Steering Committee to create a curriculum aligned with the NEP, 2020


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