What is Coral?

Coral polyps are short-lived microscopic organisms, which live in colonies. They flourish in shallow, mud-free and warm waters. They secrete calcium carbonate. The coral secretion and their skeletons from coral deposits in the form of reefs: they are mainly of three kinds: barrier reef. fringing reef and atolls. The Great Barrier Reef of Australia is a good example of the first kind of coral reefs. Atolls are circular or horse shoe-shaped coral reefs.

Distribution in India

  • All the three major reef types occur in India (atoll, fringing and barrier). The total area of coral reefs in India is estimated to be 2,375 sq km .
  • The mainland coast of India has two widely separated areas containing reefs: the Gulf of Kachchh in the northwest, which has some of the most northerly reefs in the world, and Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar in the southeast. 
  • In addition to these, there are patches of reef growth on the West Coast, for example, coral reefs at Malvan. 
  • The Andaman and Nicobar Islands have fringing reefs around many islands, and a long barrier reef (329 km) on the west coast. Little is known about these reefs, which may be the most diverse and pristine reefs in India. 
  • The Lakshadweep also has extensive reefs but these are also poorly explored. 
  • Indian subcontinent with its coastline extending over 8,000 km and subtropical climatic conditions has very few coral reef areas when compared to other regions of the world. 
  • In India, the reefs are distributed along the east and west coasts at restricted places. However, all the major reef types are represented. 
  • Fringing reefs are found in Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay. 
  • Platform reefs are seen along the Gulf of Kachchh. 
  • Patchy reefs are present near Ratnagiri and Malvan coasts. 
  • Fringing and barrier reefs are found in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 
  • Atoll reefs are found in Lakshadweep. 
  • The absence of reef in Bay of Bengal (North East Coast) is attributed to the immense quantity of freshwater and silt brought by the rivers such as Ganga, Krishna and Godavari. 
  • Scattered patches of corals in the intertidal areas and occasionally at subtidal depths along the West Coast of India, notably at Ratnagiri, Malvan and Rede Port. 
  • The mainland coast of India has the Gulf of Kachchh in the Northwest (Gujarat State) and Palk Bay and the Gulf of Mannar in the southeast (Tamil Nadu State). 
  • Other than these important off shore island groups of India, the Andaman and Nicobar in the Bay of Bengal and Lakshadweep in the Arabian Sea also have extensive reef growth. 

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