Indian Parliamentary Devices : Motions, Resolutions and Short Duration Discussions

What is Motion,  Resolution and Short Duration Discussion?

  • Motions, Resolutions and Short Duration Discussions are procedural devices to raise a discussion in the House on a matter of general public interest.
  • Every matter is determined in the House by means of a question put from the Chair on a motion made by a member and resolved either in the affirmative or negative.


Motion is a process for initiating debate in the House on any proposal submitted before it for eliciting decision on the proposal.through a motion, the House discusses a matter.


The decision which has thus been elicited, turns the motion into a resolution or order of the house. In other words, by a resolution the House declares its own opinion.


Short Duration Discussion is one of the important parliamentary devices available to members to draw the attention of the Government to matters of urgent public importance is to raise a discussion of short duration without a formal motion or vote thereon.

Who can move a Motion or Resolution?

  • Motions and resolutions can be moved by Private members as well as Ministers. 
  • When they are moved by the former, they are called private members’ motions or resolutions. 
  • However, Government motions get precedence over private members’ motions, on the same subject.

Statutory Motion or Resolution

When Motion or Resolution are moved in pursuance of a constitutional or statutory provision then they are called statutory motions or resolutions.

Notice, Conditions of Admissibility, Discussion on a Motion

Notice of a motion to discuss a matter of general public interest is to be given in writing addressed to the Secretary-General. No period of notice has been prescribed in regard it should raise substantially one definite issue. it should not contain arguments............. [Read More]

A resolution can be moved by a member or Minister on a matter of general public interest. While there is no fixed day allotted for moving a resolution by a Minister, a private members can move a resolution only on an allotted day. Ordinarily, two and a half hours.......... [Read More]

Notice, Conditions of Admissibility, Discussion on a Short Duration Discussion

Notice to raise a short duration discussion is to be given in writing, addressed to the Secretary-General, specifying clearly and precisely the matter to be raised.The notice is required to be accompanied by an explanatory note stating reasons for raising the discussion......... [Read More]


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