What is 10-Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP)?     

  •  The 10-Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP) is a global framework of action on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns (10YFP).
  • It objective is to enhance international cooperation to accelerate the shift towards Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) in both developed and developing countries.
  • It was adopted at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in 2012.
  • UNEP serves as the Secretariat of 10YFP.
  • The 10YFP generates collective impact through multi-stakeholder programmes and partnerships, fosters knowledge and experience sharing, and facilitates access to technical and financial resources for developing countries.
  • Interested actors from all countries can be involved in the implementation of the 10YFP activities: governments, private sector, civil society, researchers, UN agencies, financial institutions, and other major groups. 

The Objectives of 10-Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP)

1.  Accelerate the shift towards SCP, supporting regional and national policies and initiatives.
2.  Contributing to resource efficiency and decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation and resource use, while creating decent jobs and economic opportunities and contributing to poverty eradication and shared prosperity.
3.  Mainstream SCP into sustainable development policies, programmes and strategies, as appropriate, including into poverty reduction strategies.
4.  Support capacity building and facilitate access to financial and technical assistance for developing countries, supporting the implementation of SCP activities at the regional, sub-regional and national levels.
5.  Enable all stakeholders to share information and knowledge on SCP tools, initiatives and best practices, raising awareness and enhancing cooperation and development of new partnerships – including public-private partnerships.

Vision of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP)       

  • Fundamental changes in the way societies produce and consume are indispensable for achieving global sustainable development.
  • All countries should promote sustainable consumption and production patterns, with the developed countries taking the lead and with all countries benefiting from the process, taking into account the Rio principles...
  • Governments, relevant international organizations, the private sector and all major groups should play an active role in changing unsustainable consumption and production patterns.

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